Friday, April 9, 2010

Powerpoint Presentations

I have not used Powerpoint since my last year in undergraduate studies (over 10 years ago). At that time, Powerpoint was very new. Whenever, we had to complete an oral presentation, some students would use Powerpoint for their slides. However, as technology in classrooms was limited to an OHP, students would print their individual slides on overhead transparencies and use the overview component for their oral presentation notes/speech.

The video in the Moodle courseware was very humorous, as that is how I would set out my presentations in the past. Hopefully, my presentation does not make these same mistakes.

I think that most challenging aspects of this task were:
* researching of information
* being creative with the slides so it does not look boring
* using slideshare
* time

Everyone uses Powerpoint in their presentations and lectures and I would assume that it would be the most utilised piece of software/technology used in schools (apart from word processing). It is so very simple to use and you can make your slides very basic or as elaborate as you wish. I think that it would depend on your skill, experience and creativity. A person's skill in Powerpoint is equally important in school than it is in the workplace and high education.

Please find below my very basic Powerpoint presentation on a topic that is also very relevant in the 21st century - climate change. I would suspect that this could be used in a lower secondary SOSE or Science class.

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