Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have chosen this photo of Pompeii. My husband and I visited Pompeii in 2003. Visiting ancient places, such as Pompeii, Rome, Rhodes (Greece) and Ephesus (Turkey) were highlights for me. A funny story - we were staying near Naples and overnight there were a few loud bangs. Along with everyone else in our tour group, we thought Mount Vesuvius was erupting and that we would have to evacuate the hotel. It turned out to be fireworks.

There are a lot of photos of Pompeii on Flickr as such could be used in Ancient History classes. Their audience reach is far greater than my Pompeii book, my personal photos or our currently unedited video. These photos are so powerful, you feel as though you were standing there in town on that fateful day in 79AD. I think that students could also use the images from Flickr in their assessments (ie oral presentations, essays, reports). The images can show a student's understanding and their interpretation of the unit's content.

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