Monday, May 3, 2010


I have never used YouTube before this course. I find it amazing the amount of content available on specific subjects. In the early days of this course, I searched YouTube for videos/clips relating to 21st century education and technology in schools. There was a vast amount of relevant information available on this subject - it was overwhelming.

I have searched YouTube for a video on South African history. One of the classes that I am attached to is Year 11/12 Modern History. There current Term 2 unit is South Africa. The unit covers topics on early tribes, Dutch & British settlement, Shaka Zulu, The Great Trek, The Boer War as well as more recent history of apartheid.

As outlined by Aldred (2010), "video offers the ability to quickly outline concepts and show things not easily possible on paper or in a classroom." This particular video addresses the above. It is very dramatic and a great 'hook' at the beginning of the unit. I believe that you could also show it at the end of the unit to reinforce the information that was covered in the individual classes.

Aldred, S. (2010). Applying Digital Pedagogies 3. Retrieved from CQUniversity e-courses, EDED 20491 ICTs for Learning Design,

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